M9sol Logbooks Solenoid Daily log
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Entry  Wed Oct 13 08:17:00 2004, Experimentor, Start Up, cycling 142 when temp hit 10.68 
I tried cycling the valve twice -- at about 11:30 and again around 1:00,
trying both the buttons and the dial -- but it has had no effect on
the temperatures (aside from the transient spikes).  That might be
bad.  We will have to see if it altered the trend.

Donald Arseneau               
    Reply  Sun Oct 17 04:26:29 2004, Other, Start Up, cycling 142 when temp hit 10.68 
> I tried cycling the valve twice -- at about 11:30 and again around 1:00,
> trying both the buttons and the dial -- but it has had no effect on
> the temperatures (aside from the transient spikes).  That might be
> bad.  We will have to see if it altered the trend.
> -- 
> Donald Arseneau               

It did -- temperatures held stable for several days
Entry  Tue Jul 31 07:53:57 2007, Kevin Trithardt, Normal Running, cycled power leads 
got a page for the power lead temp
came down and cycled the power leads.. did not seem to make a difference..

Entry  Mon Oct 11 03:56:14 2004, Experimentor, Start Up, cv142 valve 
noticed that the lead temp rose to 24K over the past 4 hours. had control 
room personnle cycle the cv142 valve. temperature dropped.

Entry  Mon Oct 11 11:49:34 2004, Experimentor, Start Up, cv142 valve 
noticed temp rise, which occured only about 5 hours after the 
last "reset" .... the time between resets seems to be decreasing, which is 
not a good sign. 

had the controll room guys reset the cv142 valve (i.e. cycle it off/on)

Entry  Mon Oct 11 22:32:11 2004, Experimentor, Start Up, cv142 valve 
temp of leads begins its exponential rise again (caught it at 12K), approx 
11 hours after last reset.  this time asked operator to shut off valve for 
3 seconds, then turn back on. 

previous recycle, asked operator to shut off valve for two seconds ... and 
the warm up time was 11 hours.

previous^2 recyle, asked operator to shut off valve for 1 second ... and 
the warm up time was only 4 hours. 

Entry  Tue Oct 12 02:05:31 2004, Experimentor, Start Up, cv142 valve 
after only two hours since last lead cycling, they warm up quickly. 
ops cycles the valve, but more quickly this time, off ... 1 sec ... on. 

Entry  Tue Oct 12 13:00:08 2004, Curtis Ballard, Start Up, cv142 valve 
Curtis closes and opens slowly at about 11:00 am this morning. Wants to see 
if that works better than the sudden on/off switch. 

reported by srk
Entry  Sun Oct 15 07:09:41 2006, Other, Normal Running, cryopump bcp2 trip 
Donald Arseneau reporting

Not really solenoid realated, but FYI...
The cryopump bcp2 stopped working and the vacuum valves tripped.
When I came in, the CP was over 200K and the pressure (bcg4) read
over 200 torr, with the CP nominally on.  I switched it off and
continued warming; pumped it out; and am now re-cooling.  It seems
to be normal so far.

Entry  Thu Jun 2 09:16:40 2005, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, continuing to cool 02-06-05-7.32.49 AM.jpg
See screen grab
Entry  Mon Sep 13 13:56:06 2004, Doug Preddy, Shut Down, compressor off 
compressor off
Entry  Thu Jul 20 13:27:21 2006, Willy Andersson, Quench Recovery, cold return mode continues... 
cr_c1 and cr_12 are both at about 45K and heading slowly down, so the 
gamble of going to // cold return worked. Maximum opening of CV155 is 
limited by CV204 goes fully closed and suction pressure begins to rise 
above set point. Adjust cv155 to keep cv204 just at the closed point. Keep 
tweaking cv155 and turbine speeds as things get cooler.
Entry  Thu Jul 20 13:34:26 2006, Willy Andersson, Quench Recovery, cold return mode continues... 
Even though cr_c1 and cr_c12 have begun to tick down, cr_c7 and cr_c6 are 
actually ticking up. This is probably a wave of warming propagating through 
the solenoid. As long as the two inlets are falling in temperature then 
things are going in the right direction. Once the warm wave travels through 
the outlets will begin to cool as well.
Entry  Tue Sep 18 18:48:11 2007, Curtis Ballard, Maintenance, cold box leak check 
The leak check of the cold box diff pump fittings.  Found a leak at the 
base of the diff pump on the tee that is apparently used to fill the pump 
with oil.  The fitting was removed and a plug was removed that resembled a 
dip stick (approx 1" long).  Tbe dip stick was charred black as if it had 
been hot.  The seal between the dip stick and the tee was not an O-ring.  
It looked like a high temperature glue?  For leak checking purposes, an O-
ring was fitted to the dip stick and reinserted in situ.  Only the top 
portion of the tee was removed.  The lower cap was slathered in vacuum 
grease. Pumping back down was slow.  After two hours the vacuum was down 
to 2 torr.  At 6:30 pm, the vacuum was 200 mtorr, so I turned on the 
filament and tried again to leak check.  I was able to get the throttle 
valve open a little wider than previously, but we still had a big leak.  I 
checked at the tee and got a strong response, but I also checked at the 
diff pump connections and also got a response, albeit much less.  We may 
have to blank off the entire diff pump to isolate the cold box so that we 
can leak check the system.  Dimo said he will be able to help tomorrow.  
For now, I will leave the roughing pump on the cold box and isolte the 
leak detector.  See you tomorrow.  
P.S. I left a voice mail re: welding at TITAN 8:30 am/blankets/work 
permits/extractor.   cb
Entry  Fri Jul 25 21:48:15 2008, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, another quench 
System was stable and solenoid ramped up at 4:00 today. At about 7:30 it tripped off again. I came in and restarted the compressor and am now cooling in parallel cold return mode. Solenoid is at ~30K. I talked to Kevin and he will get the power leads on tomorrow morning. Once they are stable the power supply can be ramped up. I phoned Curtis, but there was no answer (he may be on holidays??)
Entry  Thu Aug 19 10:28:32 2004, Doug Preddy, Start Up, after M9bv5 FIX 
Over the last couple of days we replaced the gate on the M9BV5 valve. The 
old one had worn the teflon sliders on the sides. Metal shavings on bottom 
of body. Found a replacement with metal rollers, rather than slides. 
Pumped out downstream of gate valve. It's down to 5E-7 (moved the cable on 
the ion gauge so it now reads.)
Started cooling down the solenoid. Charging through the adsorber. LN2 fill 
piping broke. Repaired by resoldering. 
Ion gauge on solenoid seems to have burnt out last night.
Entry  Tue Oct 5 07:18:16 2004, Doug Preddy, Start Up, adjust compressor discharge pressure 
adjusted compressor discharge pressure to 11 Bar
Entry  Wed Dec 1 12:55:56 2004, Doug Preddy, Normal Running, added one bottle helium gas 
buffer tank pressure is up to 6.5 psi.
Entry  Tue Jun 12 12:48:25 2007, Doug Preddy, Maintenance, added one bottle UHP helium to system 
Entry  Thu Apr 22 10:39:16 2004, Doug Preddy, Normal Running, Yesterday 
Added two bottles of UHP helium to buffer tank.
Had no liquifation rate, so optimized Ti121 and HIC141 . Finally put TIC121 
into manual mode at 0.65. Power lead fluctuation died out and liquid 
started building. 
This morning changed TIC121 back to auto mode and played with it's setting 
to minimize the power lead and TI121 ripples. 
TI121 ripples seem tied to power lead ripples.
System seems stable enough to energize the solenoid.
ELOG V2.9.2-2455