M9sol Logbooks Solenoid Daily log
  Solenoid logbook, Page 7 of 15  ELOG logo
New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
ID Date Author Operational Mode Subject
  166   Thu Oct 5 14:53:54 2006 Doug PreddyStart UpSwitched to series mode
  165   Thu Oct 5 11:51:53 2006 Doug PreddyStart UpAdde 2 bottles UHP Helium
Valved off purifiers, but left LN2 on.
  164   Thu Oct 5 10:26:26 2006 Doug PreddyStart Upswitched to parallel cold return
  163   Wed Oct 4 18:10:18 2006 Willy AnderssonStart UpQuick check on system
System in good // warm return mode, temps coming down nicely. BCP2 cryopump 
does not look too healthy, temperature is just over 20K, very close to low 
set point.

TIC121 down to 120K, Mu1 return temp at 164K, Mu2 return at 273K, T1 inlet 
temp at 208K. Cooling looks good for overnight.
  162   Wed Oct 4 07:29:04 2006 Doug PreddyStart UpStarting cool down
Started compressor yesterday with flow through the purifier overnight.
Starting tubines this morning in parallel warm return
  161   Thu Aug 17 19:45:27 2006 Willy AnderssonQuench Recoveryswitch to series cooling
Temps of flow returning from solenoid flat lined at about 10K.
Gradually closed CV155.
Then switched to series cooling.
  160   Thu Aug 17 08:04:44 2006 Doug PreddyQuench RecoverySolenoid tripped at about 3:00 this morning
restarting system.
Compressor would not start. Idid not see anything that would not let it 
start. Pushed rest button upstairs, and reset contactor. Compressor started.
preparing to start flow to solenoid in // cold return.
  159   Tue Aug 15 15:39:27 2006 Willy AnderssonQuench Recoveryswitched to parallel cold return
Return flow temps from solenoid about 40K, TIC121 at about 40K so switching 
to //cold return.
Starting with slightly reduced flow through cold returns, CV145 and CV147 
at about 65% open.
  158   Tue Aug 15 08:45:56 2006 Doug PreddyQuench Recoveryrestarted the compressor
Solenoid tripped off Sunday. Restarted compressor and cool down of cold box.
  157   Thu Aug 10 20:26:09 2006 Willy AnderssonQuench Recoverysolenoid energized
Powerleads seem stable.
  156   Thu Aug 10 16:33:11 2006 Willy AnderssonQuench RecoveryFlow to solenoid tripped on powerlead temperature.
Power lead temps were drifting up, tried to tweak TIC121 and HIC141 to 
unstall powerlead flow. Got quench. Restarted series flow, building LHe 
  155   Thu Aug 10 08:33:44 2006 Doug PreddyNormal RunningRunning low on helium
Temperture okay, but there are fluctuation in the power leads. PIC229 is 
trying to charge. The buffer tank pressure is just >0 psi. I will lower the 
liquid level to 40% to allow some helium to boil off into the buffer tank.
  154   Wed Aug 9 07:50:49 2006 Doug PreddyQuench RecoverySwitched to series mode.
Cool down continues.
  153   Wed Aug 9 06:59:43 2006 Willy AnderssonQuench Recoverymore // cold return stuff
About 21:00 last night the solenoid temps had not changed much, pretty well 
flat lined. I guess my reducing CV155 stalled the cooling. Called Don 
Arseneau and asked him to increase CV155 to about 80% open. Temps slowly 
began to fall. Asked Don to look at graph of temps later in the night and 
if they fall down to a flat line to then reduce CV155 a bit to get the 
temps trending further down.

This morning CR_C1_ENT has fallen to a slightly upward trending flat line 
of about 12.7 K. Probably ready for switching to series mode by whoever 
gets to the system first this morning.
  152   Wed Aug 9 06:44:58 2006 Willy AnderssonQuench Recovery// cold mode cooling continues.
After restarting flow to the solenoid yesterday in // cold return mode 
TIC121 just refused to go lower than about 29K even when we closed CV155 
all the way. Tried various things, switching to // warm return, changing 
opening of CV155, setting TIC121 to auto, even tapping TIC121. Finally 
tried reducing flow to solenoid by reducing // warm return valves to about 
70% open to see if possible to cool just refrigerator a bit.

TIC121 temp fell a bit and then inlet temperatures to solenoid began to 
fall and solenoid slowly began to cool even though the mass flow to the 
solenoid was reduced. Guess is that with solenoid homogeneusly at about 30K 
there was not much resistance to flow so turbine massflow was starved just 
enough to stall further cooling.

After temps were on a good downward trend Doug switched to //cold return. 
At about 16:00 yesterday I reduced CV155 to about 70% and waited a bit to 
confirm that temps were falling and then left the system to cool until 
later that evening.
  151   Tue Aug 8 07:27:49 2006 Doug PreddyQuench RecoverySolenoid Quench at about 6:00 this morning
No indication of problem. Turbines still running, but no flow to solenoid. 
Started flow. Solenoid ~20K.
  150   Sat Jul 29 09:38:06 2006 Doug PreddyQuench Recoverypower leads cooled
opened power lead flow about 40 minutes ago. ~12K will let them stablize. 
LHE level >20%
  149   Sat Jul 29 05:30:28 2006 Doug PreddyQuench Recoveryswitched to series mode
Temps bottomed out at ~16K. Switching to series mode.
  148   Fri Jul 28 20:39:40 2006 Doug PreddyQuench RecoveryRestarting refrigerator
Solenoid quenched at about 6:00 tonight.
I restarted the compressor, then the cold box and turbines. When cold box 
was at 25K I started flow to the solenoid in parallel cold return.
  147   Sat Jul 22 06:34:14 2006 ExperimentorQuench Recoverylooking good
Donald Arseneau reporting.

It is looking pretty good, so I came back in with the intent of energizing 
the magnet.  Doug should be up now or soon, so I'll wait a little for you 
to see this.  If you do, call the m9 counting room 222-7379.  After waiting 
a while, I will just forge ahead.
ELOG V2.9.2-2455