M9sol Logbooks Solenoid Daily log
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Message ID: 153     Entry time: Wed Aug 9 06:59:43 2006
Author: Willy Andersson 
Operational Mode: Quench Recovery 
Subject: more // cold return stuff 
About 21:00 last night the solenoid temps had not changed much, pretty well 
flat lined. I guess my reducing CV155 stalled the cooling. Called Don 
Arseneau and asked him to increase CV155 to about 80% open. Temps slowly 
began to fall. Asked Don to look at graph of temps later in the night and 
if they fall down to a flat line to then reduce CV155 a bit to get the 
temps trending further down.

This morning CR_C1_ENT has fallen to a slightly upward trending flat line 
of about 12.7 K. Probably ready for switching to series mode by whoever 
gets to the system first this morning.
ELOG V2.9.2-2455