The solenoid quenched on powerlead temps this morning at 10:00. It is warming up and the power leads are >200K.Isolating and purging the coldbox is not very useful now, so I am shutting the system down.
compressor off
When the compressor was restarted on Monday, the remote load button would not respond. The compressor was shut off. After two days of searching the wiring etc. a bad connection was found on DR1 relay (upstairs in the compressor control panel). The wire was the "compressor on" sensor. Connection was cleaned and retightened. The compressor was started this morning and is working. I pressurized the cold box and started flow to the solenoid and through the power leads. I started a continuous flow throughthe LN2 adsorber. This will be run over the weekend. Cooling to start Monday morning.
Started flow to the turbimes with the solenoid in parallel warm return.
adjusted compressor discharge pressure to 11 Bar
Switched to parallel cold return at 4:00 yesterday afternoon. 6:30 this morning started closing cv155 as temps had bottomed out at 24K.
switched to series mode
turned off purifier
Solenoid tripped off Monday morning due to high compressor pressure. Regenerated purifier on Tuesday. Started compressor at 9:00 this morning.
Started flow to power leads HIC142 at 0.8.
Power lead temps starting to ripple at a 1.5min period. PL flows are both>250 mm.
Flow to power leads dropped to <80 mm. Cycled HIC142. Temps dropping, flows >250.
Flow is down to <190 mm. temps are starting to climb. Cycled HIC142
power temps as follows: LHE_IN 23 PL_POS 36 PL_NEG 31 Flow <90mm cycled HIC 142 off and on in 1/2 hour.
Last night the power supply was ramping up at a very slow rate. This morning it was energized,but with no current even though the limit was set to 500 amps. Klaus R. found the pot. that set the current limit was bad. Repaired it. First try at ramping caused a voltage imbalance and a quench I. After a quick recovery, the second try was successfull. Solenoid ramping to 500 amps at a good rate.
Solenoid quenched Nov 21 due to alarge power bump. Everything tripped off including vacuum and water pumps. Cold box vacuum was at 3.6e-1, so pumped it out overnight. Started compressor at 7:20. Started turbines at 7:40.
Started flow to solenoid in parallel warm return.
Compressor tripped off again due to a power bump. Meson hall water off, so vacuum pumps off again. Pumps back on , vacuum pumps on, starting compressor.