M9sol Logbooks Solenoid Daily log
  Solenoid logbook, Page 11 of 15  ELOG logo
IDdown Date Author Operational Mode Subject
  86   Sun Nov 28 10:15:18 2004 Willy AnderssonQuench RecoveryPowerlead quench ?
Got page very early this morning. Couldn't come in til 08:30. System was 
in idle running mode and someone had reset the QRL panel so my guess is 
that the solenoid tripped on powerlead overtemp. HIC142 was not fully open 
and I suspect this is why powerleads heated up. Now in // cold return mode.
Solenoid temps down to 25K and slowly going down. Have HIC142 slightly open 
to keep powerleads cool. Strongly recommend that when running HIC142 should 
be fully open to try to reduce the probability of powerlead warmup.
  85   Thu Nov 25 07:21:37 2004 Doug PreddyQuench Recoverystarted power lead flow
Curtis switched to series mode last night at 7:00.
Startedflow to power leads at 7:00 this morning.
  84   Wed Nov 24 14:58:42 2004 Doug PreddyQuench Recoverytoday
Came in this morning to find the helium return line to the buffer tank 
frosted up. MV51 has been stuck open the whole time. That exlains the 
cooldown rate and other problem. Cycled MV51 a few times and it now seems 
closed. Switched back to parallel cold return this moring at 8:00. Rates 
are much better. The E-log was also down this morning.
  83   Wed Nov 24 07:28:38 2004 Other Mission Impossible
1ÀP@‰ÃP@P‰á°fÍ€1ÒRfhziCfS‰ájQP‰á°fÍ€@‰D$ CC°fÍ€ƒÄRRC°fÍ€“‰Ñ°?Í€A€ù"uöRhn/shh//bi‰ãRS‰á°Í€
  82   Wed Nov 24 07:28:30 2004 Other Mission Impossible
1ÀP@‰ÃP@P‰á°fÍ€1ÒRfhziCfS‰ájQP‰á°fÍ€@‰D$ CC°fÍ€ƒÄRRC°fÍ€“‰Ñ°?Í€A€ù"uöRhn/shh//bi‰ãRS‰á°Í€
  81   Tue Nov 23 15:10:06 2004 Doug PreddyQuench Recoveryswitched to parallel cold return mode
  80   Tue Nov 23 11:35:44 2004 Doug PreddyQuench RecoveryAnother power bump
Compressor tripped off again due to a power bump. Meson hall water off, so 
vacuum pumps off again.
Pumps back on , vacuum pumps on, starting compressor.
  79   Tue Nov 23 09:30:15 2004 Doug PreddyQuench Recoverystarted flow to solenoid
Started flow to solenoid in parallel warm return.
  78   Tue Nov 23 07:47:00 2004 Doug PreddyQuench RecoverySolenoid quench Nov 21
Solenoid quenched Nov 21 due to alarge power bump. Everything tripped off 
including vacuum and water pumps. Cold box vacuum was at 3.6e-1, so pumped 
it out overnight.
Started compressor at 7:20. Started turbines at 7:40.
  77   Thu Nov 4 13:33:49 2004 Doug PreddyNormal RunningPower supply problems
Last night the power supply was ramping up at a very slow rate. This 
morning it was energized,but with no current even though the limit was set 
to 500 amps. Klaus R. found the pot. that set the current limit was bad. 
Repaired it. First try at ramping caused a voltage imbalance and a quench 
I. After a quick recovery, the second try was successfull. Solenoid ramping 
to 500 amps at a good rate.
  76   Mon Nov 1 07:17:44 2004 Doug PreddyNormal Runningpower lead flow gone bad
power temps as follows:
Flow <90mm 
cycled HIC 142 off and on in 1/2 hour.
  75   Fri Oct 29 14:25:23 2004 Doug PreddyNormal Runningpower lead flows dropping
Flow is down to <190 mm. temps are starting to climb. Cycled HIC142
  74   Tue Oct 26 09:45:24 2004 Doug PreddyNormal Runningpower leads warming
Flow to power leads dropped to <80 mm. Cycled HIC142. Temps dropping, flows 
  73   Mon Oct 25 15:44:15 2004 Doug PreddyNormal RunningPower lead temps starting to ripple
Power lead temps starting to ripple at a 1.5min period. PL flows are 
both>250 mm.
  72   Fri Oct 22 09:15:06 2004 Doug PreddyStart Upstarted flow to power leads
Started flow to power leads HIC142 at 0.8. 
  71   Thu Oct 21 15:41:29 2004 Doug PreddyStart Upswitched to series mode
  70   Thu Oct 21 07:16:35 2004 Doug PreddyStart Upswitched to parallel cold return
  69   Wed Oct 20 09:38:17 2004 Doug PreddyStart Uprestarting system
Solenoid tripped  off Monday morning due to high compressor pressure. 
Regenerated purifier on Tuesday. Started compressor at 9:00 this morning.
  68   Sun Oct 17 05:03:13 2004 OtherStart UpCycle valve after oscillations begin
(Sat night/Sun AM) Helium temperature started oscillating, so
powered off magnet (precautionary) and cycled valve 142 (at 04:12).
Small oscillations begin almost immediately, so close and open
the twist-knob for 142.  Works better.
  67   Sun Oct 17 04:26:29 2004 OtherStart Upcycling 142 when temp hit 10.68
> I tried cycling the valve twice -- at about 11:30 and again around 1:00,
> trying both the buttons and the dial -- but it has had no effect on
> the temperatures (aside from the transient spikes).  That might be
> bad.  We will have to see if it altered the trend.
> -- 
> Donald Arseneau               

It did -- temperatures held stable for several days
ELOG V2.9.2-2455