M9sol Logbooks Solenoid Daily log
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Message ID: 86     Entry time: Sun Nov 28 10:15:18 2004
Author: Willy Andersson 
Operational Mode: Quench Recovery 
Subject: Powerlead quench ? 
Got page very early this morning. Couldn't come in til 08:30. System was 
in idle running mode and someone had reset the QRL panel so my guess is 
that the solenoid tripped on powerlead overtemp. HIC142 was not fully open 
and I suspect this is why powerleads heated up. Now in // cold return mode.
Solenoid temps down to 25K and slowly going down. Have HIC142 slightly open 
to keep powerleads cool. Strongly recommend that when running HIC142 should 
be fully open to try to reduce the probability of powerlead warmup.
ELOG V2.9.2-2455