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Message ID: 14     Entry time: Fri Jun 10 08:24:45 2011
Author: Derek and Sarah 
Type: Routine 
Category: General 
Subject: Day Shift summary Friday 

08:20 Beam back and running agains

Rate: 2200

Lost proton beam at 9:41

Proton and Li beam back 11:23


For some reason the Li scaler has been freezing up.  If it stays frozen for a few minutes a call to ISAC OPs generally gets it going in short order.


14:51 Ops are checking beam.  Stopped run 383.


15:43 Beam tuned through the 1mm collimator with ~40% transmission.  S4: Scaler reading 120


Leakage Currents

DE0      -   0.06

E3         -   0.25

DE2       -   0.09

E5         -   0.31

DE4       -   0.03

E7         -   0.44

DE6       -   0.05

E2         -   0.49

UP 0     -   0.05

UP 1     -   0.05

UP 2     -   0.03

UP 3     -   0.00

UP 4     -   0.01

UP 5     -   0.05

UP 6     -   0.09

UP 7     -   0.23

S2         -  0.93

ELOG V2.9.2-2455