Swapped the old 9pin connectors out and replaced with 2 5-pin connectors, same as on the modules.
See attached for current pin out diagram. Many of the wires are too short to reach the bottom sockets, so wires 2, 8, 9 are not connected in the connector. 4 spots are empty on connector 2 (right). (6, 7) and (4, 5) are twisted pairs. Unused wires are tapped up out of the way, but we should improve this, the tape may come loose due to heat and then the wires could present an HV risk. (Update: added some wire to hold them in place. Slightly better...)
Need to either extend the wires, or put in new ones. All wires are grounded on the rack.
In addition, there are two screws in each connector which are floating right now. Need to make a connection for them but should be ok if we dont go to really high voltages. |