A Sub D 9 Pin connector on a HV insulator was installed on Port Q of the target box at the teststand. The insulator is leak tested and OK, vacuum is below 2E-7 T
The feed through is connected (1to1) to the upper 9 Pin connector of the target tray. Since the existing upper 9 Pin connector was damaged from a previous FEBIAD test, this connector was replaced. For wiring 4 twisted pair Capton insulated and shielded wires (identical to ITE and TM4) of about 50cm length are used.
View on top of the feedthrough and the connector on the source tray (male connectors)
\ 1 2 3 4 5 /
\ 6 7 8 9 /
1to1 connection for pins 1,2,4-9
The pin pairs 1&2, 4&5, 6&7, 8&9 each use a line of twisted pairs
Monday, December 17, 2012, 22:21
Connection to the HV added. The wires end in the HV cage on a screw terminal with labels 1--12. The numbers 1,2,4-9 are used in corresponding notation to the sketch above. Since 3 is not connected at all this terminal is used for grounding the wire shielding.
As cable 2 Capton isolated pairs of wire (1&2, 4&5) and two "normal" pairs for thermocouple (6&7, 8&9) reading are used. So all connections have shielded twisted pair cable, while (6&7, 8&9)change the cable type at the 9Pin connector |