Thu Mar 31 15:19:51 2011: SiC#25 was made sometime in December of 2010. It is now in the target module and ready to be conditioned.
Mon Apr 18 18:17:05 2011: It was found later that no salt was added to this target after it came out from the test stand. However, there were enough 40Ca and 39K for tuning (See attachment#1 for the big mass scan). Once the P+ is back, the yields will be measured.
Fri Apr 29 15:30:26 2011: Low 27Al was ionized from the surface for some reason. However, after the green laser was shone into the extraction tube, more 27Al was produced. Then, the laser was turned off, the target continued to surface ionizing 27Al. There could be a blockage from the rhenium (Re) ionizer foil. Jens L. will investigate this further and do a test with the lasers and the rhenium foil.