Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-Meson Hall  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 95     Entry time: Monday, January 06, 2014, 15:55
Author: Isaac Earle 
Category: Repair 
Type: Target 2 
Specific: Target 
Subject: T2-MK2 Repair 

 The leaking 10cm Be target was removed from position 3 on the T2-MK2 target ladder and the water ports were blanked-off with 3/8" Swagelok plugs.  A 10cm Be target remains in position 4.  The target was pumped down using the cold trap and a helium leak check was performed.  All target locations on the ladder were found to be leak tight.  The delta seal locations and fittings above the vacuum flange were also leak tight, however small leaks were discovered at the weld at the lower end of each bellows, details below.

Using the old leak detector in the Meson Hall HC Lab, at baseline level 18 on 10X scale with the target oriented as when installed in the beamline, using 1/2 second application of helium at ~3psi:
East side bellows: response up to 90 on 10X scale, returned to baseline in ~5s
West side bellows: response up to 30 on 50X scale, returned to baseline in ~5s

Based on previous helium leaks of this size it is expected that the bellows are still water leak tight.  Replacement of the bellows will not be considered unless a water leak is found.

After an electrical check is performed on the profile monitor by Probes Group, this target will be returned to the beam line and pumped down to check for water leaks.  If water leak tight, the T2-MK2 target will be used for operation in 2014.

Photos are attached of the failed 10cm Be target, as well as the T2-MK2 target assembly with leak locations indicated.

Attachment 1: DSC_6622.JPG  100 kB  | Show | Show all
Attachment 2: DSC_6623.JPG  106 kB  | Show | Show all
Attachment 3: DSC_6626.JPG  127 kB  | Show | Show all
Attachment 4: IMG_1809.JPG  148 kB  | Show | Show all
ELOG V2.9.2-2455