Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-Meson Hall  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 69     Entry time: Monday, January 21, 2013, 11:57
Author: Isaac Earle 
Category: Repair 
Type: Target 2 
Specific: Target 
Subject: Flask Repair 

 On January 15th, when attempting to move the T2 target from the beam line to the hot cell, the latch mechanism on the flask did not actuate and the target could not be lifted from the beam line.  

On January 16th the flask was placed on blocks (IMG_0818) (while remaining attached to the crane) in the RH hot cell lab for inspection.  The cause of the problem was found to be a damaged and disconnected military style connector (IMG_0824).  Damaged wiring was also found (IMG_0836).

On January 21st the connector and faulty wiring was replaced by Travis Cave, which fixed the problem (IMG_0838).  The new location of the connector is less exposed and should prevent it from getting damaged if the target swings within the flask.  Travis and Don Jackson also used the opportunity to check some wires on the flask that previously were not documented properly.  The flask was returned to its storage position in the lab and is ready for use.

Attachment 1: IMG_0818.JPG  145 kB  | Show | Hide all
Attachment 2: IMG_0824.JPG  129 kB  | Hide | Hide all
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Attachment 4: IMG_0838.JPG  136 kB  | Show | Hide all
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