T1-MK1 electrical checks were completed on the hot cell. Specifically the profile and protect monitors were checked (assistance from Micheal Donohoe and Holden Jones from 'probes group'/accelerator systems).
Reference WP C2024-10-30-3.
"WORK INSTRUCTIONS / REFERENCE DOCUMENTS: Perform blip test of target protect module by attaching HV oscillator to protect HV bias. Check that the oscillator signal is readable from U,D, L, R and HALO signal cables.
For profile monitor, connect PM cable assembly to 0518 MWC module in portable NIM crate. Connect 0518 "START" to ch2 of an oscilloscope and "ANALOG" to ch1. Set scope to trigger on Ch2. Connect HV oscillator to profile HV bias. Observe signals on all channel devisions, note any channels not responding."
Test outcome (paraphrased from text discussion with Micheal Donohoe)
Profile monitor functioning properly from test, but right 'plate' on protect monitor yielded different results to other plates. May need to be re-checked, pending comparisons with results from previous tests (issues with this because "different oscillator was used"). We may have also not used couplings for cables that were correct for that particular protect monitor plate.
In images attached, red cable used for profile monitor (connect to the vertical connector at the rear), the dark green wire is used to ground the system when the profile monitor is being checked. The grey cable bundle (with 'box') is used to check the protect monitor, with vertical pins located by the main lifting flange support bars in the front left of the target (see bottom right of first image).
Micheal and Holden returned on the 31st with Thomas Manson, they performed direct testing on the leads of the protect monitor connector (directly hook up leads on protect monitor connector to oscilloscope/multi-meter). All direct checks went well, the waveform issue from yesterday's testing likely resulted from the testing cable having issues.
Electrical testing on T1-MK1 is now complete. Probes group will work to update their documentation and possibly develop a process change to fabricate new cables to make the testing happen fully on the hot cell roof and have it complete faster.
Note: it may be a good idea to perform preventative maintenance on the protect monitor @ T1-MK1 the next time it is on the hot cell. Probes group members noted that the protect monitor components are nearing their end-of-life and it would be good to replace old components to avoid the protect monitor failing in the target station.