Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-Meson Hall  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 341     Entry time: Friday, January 19, 2024, 17:07
Author: Albert Kong 
Category: Standard Operation 
Type: Other 
Specific: Target 
Subject: T1/T2 Profile Monitor, TGT Ladder, CUNO filter leak, Motor Coupling Inspection, + M9/M20 Blocker Actuation 

 The following tasks were completed:

  1. Yesterday (Jan 18), the T1/T2 cooling packages were inspected for leaks and some moisture was found underneath the CUNO filters behind the resin cans on both T1/T2. It was determined that the source of the leak was a loose fitting on the drain valves of the CUNO filter housing (see photo). Today we confirmed that no more moisture is found underneath the CUNO filter after these fittings were tightened. A note will be made to keep this in mind for future shutdown operations.
  2. The shaft couplings on the T1/T2 target ladder drive system were inspected: no cracks were identified on the rubber couplings.
  3. Actuation of the T1/T2 profile monitors were tested. Vacuum levels at T1/T2 remained stable throughout (see picture).
  4. The pneumatic connections/hose/fittings for the T1/T2 profile monitors, and M9/M20 BB were inspected - therere were some air leaks out from the ASCO valve + pneumatic flow control valve on the T2 profile monitor when it was in the down/out position. The same leak out of the pneumatic valve by the profile monitor connection was found at T1. Given that both profile monitors actuated properly however, these leaks were determined to not be an issue.

Next week, we will continue work by actuating the M9/M20 BB at T2, at which point this ELOG will be updated.

UPDATE Jan 30, 2024: The M9 and M20 beam blockers were tested, no leaks through the tubing were observed, actuation was quick, ops confirmed no perceptible change in 1A vacuum levels during actuation and EPICS reads correct blocker position signals.

Note: the M20 blocker was actuated by ops, while the M9/T2 blocker was actuated using the ASU on the B2 level of the Meson Hall. The ASU did not require the area to be blocked off to actuate the T2 blocker.


Note: Ops noted that the profile monitor interlock status has to be reset if a timeout is encountered (such as if the pump were to be turned off or a trip was encountered) before the profile monitor can be actuated (see picture).

Note: When inspecting the system, we tried to open the rotary collimator air supply and the handle on the pannel mounted valve broke off (like it did for the T2 valve last shutdown - see picture). 

UPDATE Jan 30, 2024: The handle to the rotary collimator air supply valve was replaced (see image).

Note: There was also some small leaks at the hose clamps at the T2 profile monitor, in the out position. This leak was however smaller than the leak through the valve. 

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