T2 Cooling Package MRO began Jan. 16, 2023.
The following maintenance tasks have been completed for T2 (this list will be updated as work progresses):
- Drained water [2023-01-16]
- Replaced ball valve located between heat exchanger and target flow sensor FGTGT (part number SS-45S12)... this part, as well as numerous other ones, were noted to have been leaking. See e-log 308
- Replaced both CUNO filters (target water and demin. resin circuit filter) [2023-02-01]
- Replaced 90 micron demin. filter (the filter was very dirty - it was last changed in Feb. 2012 as indicated by written note) [2023-02-01]
- Inspected Hansen fittings (o-rings look OK) [2023-02-01]
- Replaced o-ring, shaft, and paddle wheel for flow sensor FGSEC (Q3). The old paddle wheel had significant wear in the shaft hole which resulted in sensor readback issues observed during 2022 operation. It is likely that this was caused by debris or a manufacturing defect which got worse over time. Photos show a comparison between old and new. [2023-02-01]
- Replaced leaky valves (see e-log 318 and 320)
- Refilled expansion tank water (see e-log 322)
- Changed M20 beam block o-ring seals, and performed vacuum check (see e-logs 319, 324, and 323)
- Tuned demin flow rate to 1.1 gpm, turned on pump [2023-03-06], confirmed system functionality (all sensors OK, no water leaks observed). Note: target water conductivity sensor (CONDTGT) took a few hours to ramp up to appropriate value. See screenshot attached of T2 state at approximately 9:15am on 2023-03-07 after the system ran overnight.
As of now, the cooling system is ready for beam. Prior to beam-on, actuation tests of key items such as the target ladder and beam blocker need to be performed. It is expected that this will be done within the next 1-2 weeks. |