The following is a summary of MRO work done on the T2-MK2 target during the 2018 shutdown:
Jan 8:
- Target moved from beamline to hot cell; 130mSv/hr at 0.5m
Jan 10:
- Position 4 (12mm Be) beam spots photographed. Spot is slightly high and left (from beam's eye view), also smaller and rounder (less eliptical) than usual - See E-Log #232
Jan 11:
- Flushed position 0,1,2,3,4 with water, then 4,2,1,0 with air
- Left with 10psi air running overnight in Position 0
Jan 12:
- Moved to position 4, 10psi air running through over the weekend to dry cooling lines
Jan 15:
- Pumped out water lines with leak detector
- Frist pump down blanked off tubing and new vac hose (no LN2): ~15 mins to get to 0.0E-10 TorrL/s
- Pumped out target w/ cold trap: ~7 mins to get to 0.0E-10 TorrL/s (left pumping for 2 hours)
April 2:
- Removed plugs at position 3 and 5
- Pressure tested, leak tested, and recorded alignment dimensions for first batch of new 5cm targets (#301, 307, and 309) - Records stored with targets in RH lab office
- Installed new 5cm beryllium target #309 at Position 3, and target #307 at Position 5
- Helium leak check on target water system: Baseline 0.0E-10 TorrL/s leak rate, 1.0E-3Torr, half second helium applications @ 4psi
Positions 1, 2, 3: no response
Positions 4, 5: up to 5.0E-10 after delay (appears to be drift)
Lower 'C' seals: no response
Upper-left 'C' seal: up to 1.2E-9
Upper-right 'C' seal: up to 2.4E-9
Left bellows: up to 6.0E-9
Right bellows: up to 3.0E-9
- Deemed water leak tight and ready for use (based on previous leak check results and operating experience)
- Tested all target position micro switches: all OK
- Tested profile monitor limits: both OK
- Tested profile monitor actuation: off down limit @ 5psi, on up limit at 35psi
- Tested potentiometer: slightly noisy signal from position 0 to 2 (no change from before)
- Measured Position 3 and 5 elevations
April 3:
- Measured Position 3 and 5 horizontal alignment wrt ladder
- Quick repeat of leak check: no change
April 6:
- Target returned to beamline
- Vacuum pulled on T2 area (1ACG4 down to 5mTorr in ~2.5hrs, was 4mTorr before venting yesterday)
- T2 cooling package started with target at Position 0 - no change to T2 vacuum
- Target information sheet and elevations data delivered to Ops
- XTPAGE 7L information updated