Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-Meson Hall  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 229     Entry time: Tuesday, October 10, 2017, 12:09
Author: Isaac Earle 
Category: Standard Operation 
Type: Target 2 
Specific: Target 
Subject: T2-MK2 position 4 target changed 

The following work was performed on the T2-MK2 target assembly during the 2017 fall shutdown:


Oct 4, 2017:
- Target moved from beamline to hot cell, measured 661mSv/hr at 0.5m (move went smoothly, having camera views at N/S and E/W angles very helpful)
- Flask tray wet wiped after transfer: 1st wipe 600cpm on 44-2 monitor, 2nd wipe 900cpm (3rd swipe not taken because tray looked clean)
- Flushed target with clean water, then compressed air (positions 0 through 5)
- Male Hansen fittings on the target assembly swapped with new units (in process of replacing all self sealing fittings in T1 and T2 water system)
- Checked all micro-switch positions and potentiometer readback: switches ok, pot value jumpy around position 1 and 2 (known from before), otherwise fine
- Left target overnight at position 4 with 20psi supply air running through to dry water system


Oct 5, 2017:
- Pumped down target with cold trap (~2 hours)
- Baseline leak check performed: 6 mins to reach 5.0E-3 Torr (3.2E-9 Torr*L/s), 21 mins to reach 1.0E-3 Torr (1.4E-10 Torr*L/s)
- Helium spray at 3psi for 0.5s bursts, tested with ladder in position 4
- No leak at any target positions or plugs
- Small leak on left side bellows, or bellows seal to ladder: up to 8.0E-9 Torr*L/s response, then quick recovery  (known from previous leak checks, same magnitude)
- Small leak on right side bellows, or bellows seal to ladder: up to 2.0E-8 Torr*L/s response, then quick recovery  (known from previous leak checks, same magnitude)
- Beam spot photos taken, position 1 (only target used this running period) has fairly well centered beam spot (see below)
- Position 4 target removed ("JAN29'97"), was very difficult to remove because one water tube stuck in ladder (this target was installed on ladder in 1997!  First beam 2014)
- Used hammer in hot cell to remove which eventually broke the target water tubes from the wire EDM housing
- sealing surfaces cleaned with burgandy Scotchbrite on electric dremel tool
- Inspected sealing surfaces and ladder fitting threads using Nikon level: all appeared clean and undamaged
- Installed new 12mm beryllium target at position 4 ("Jul.06#4"), no issues with install
- Leak check repeated: reached 1.0E-3 Torr after 3 minutes (1.3E-8Torr*L/s)
- Down to 3.5E-9 Torr*L/s after 18 mins, began test
- No response at all target positions, checked left side bellows: same response as above
- Beam spot profile at Position 1 measured with Nikon level
- Vertical and horizontal positions of new Position 4 target measured
- New profile monitor cassette retainer pin installed (plate hole had to be opened up to 0.375" diameter), used vice grip pliers clamped onto clevis pin in order to install


Oct 6, 2017:
- Profile monitor actuation tested: start movement 5psi, fully IN at 35psi
- Profile monitor limit switches tested, ok
- Target transported back to beamline, no issues
- BL1A pumped down, Edi reported pump-down normal
- Electrical check performed on T2 profile monitor from mezzannine: Sheng-Li reported results normal
- Cooling system started: no change to BL1A vacuum
- Target info sheet and target elevations sheet delivered to Main Ops
- XTPAGE 7L information updated







ELOG V2.9.2-2455