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Message ID: 207     Entry time: Thursday, September 08, 2016, 17:26
Author: Isaac Earle 
Category: Development 
Type: Other 
Specific: Active Sump 
Subject: New Active Sump High Level Switch and Electronics Installed 

To address the deficiencies identified in E-Logs #204 and #205 the old active sump high level switch was replaced with Omega LV164SS model (316SS stem and float, 4' length, standard mount) using adaptor flange TRH1316 to mount to the top flange of the sump.  A new electrical box was also installed (circuit diagram attached in PDF format).  The circuit was designed by Don Jackson and wired by Travis Cave.  Connection to the RCR Lab PLC was done by Dave Morris.

The switch was tested using the following procedure:

1.  The switch was triggered by submerging the base in water until the float lifted.  This was confirmed to be equivalent to disconnecting the CPC-4 connector for the switch from the new electrical box
2.  Switch connector disconnected:  Local alarm sounds in HC Lab, red "Sump High" LED light illuminates, green "Sump Good" LED turns off, RCR PLC reports high level (cannot be reset), main control room "MHESA B1 RCR1 RM 6 WARN" displays NOT OK  (this will sound every 3 minutes until the RCR PLC high level alarm is reset)
3. "Alarm Silence" button pressed on new electrical box:  Local alarm stops, LEDs on electrical box do not change, RCR PLC still cannot be reset
4. Switch connector reconnected:  "Sump High" LED turns off, "Sump Good" LED turns on, RCR PLC can be reset
5. Power to the electrical box removed by switching off the breaker:  All LEDs turn off, no alarm, RCR PLC reports high level

Pump out of water from the MHESA Lab active sump to the HC Lab active sump was tested while observing the HC Lab sump.  The water entering the HC lab sump did not splash on the new switch excessively, and did not cause any false alarms.

The new system will continue to be tested annually according to the calibration schedule.






Attachment 3: RH_HC_Lab_Active_Sump_High_Level_Sensor_-_Electrical_Schematic.pdf  48 kB  | Show | Show all
ELOG V2.9.2-2455