The following tasks have been performed at T1:
- T1 monolith painted using grey two part epoxy paint
- Video inspection taken while package running. Small leak from both valves on H.E. secondary side (video on Isaac's PC, too large to upload)
- Cooling package sampled and drained, drain valve closed
- All reservoir o-rings changed
- All Hansen fitting o-rings changed (4x #6 size, 2x #4 size)
- All three cuno filters and filter housing o-rings changed (used filters 2mSv/hr on contact, temporarily stored on blocks by T1 package)
- Failed T1 P1 (inlet) pressure transducer replaced
- Supply and return valves for T1 CuALCW closed in tunnel to allow leaking valves to be replaced
- New resin can installed at T1 (this note added oct 15 2015 - was previously undocumented)
The following tasks have been performed at T2:
- Video inspection taken while package running. Documented leaks mentioned in E-Log #133 (video on Isaac's PC, too large to upload)
- Cooling package sampled and drained, drain valve closed
RPG has analyzed the water samples and given approval for water from both packages to be released. |