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Message ID: 950     Entry time: Wednesday, June 17, 2015, 14:21
Author: chad fisher 
Category: South Hot-Cell 
Type: Repair 
Module: TM2 
Subject: TM2 Waterblock Clean Polish 

Fiberglass that fell out yesterday was put back in place (as well as possible).

Cleaning took place this morning with excellent results. Cleaning was performed with red scotch brite on the cleaning tool, air pressure at 40 psi while running, with one 60 second cycle. Three blocks (EE, HS and Window) needed a second pass to remove the indium.

Polishing commenced with 2000 grit wet sand paper. Paper was wet with isopropynol. 60 second cycles for double seal blocks, 30 second for singles. The 2000 grit pass was completed.

Polishing will finish tomorrow morning as well as removal of optics tray from source tray in preparartion for insertion of the source tray into the module tomorrow afternoon or Friday morning.

First picture is Tube heater Circuit D block before cleaning and second picture is after cleaning.



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