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Message ID: 831     Entry time: Thursday, January 08, 2015, 10:34
Author: chad fisher 
Category: South Hot-Cell 
Type: Standard Operation 
Subject: TM2 Tray Build Status and Problems 

Final assembly of the source tray for TM2 was started this morning.

Sliding tray was received from keensert installation and cleaned.

Mounting plate/ionizer tube location jig was rechecked against assembly ITA3136...Mounting plate was loosened, jigs for centering the ceramic shields installed and fasteners re-torqued to 57 in lbs.

Upon attempted assemble of ITA3536 and 3537 (support frames) it was noticed that the countersinks were not deep enough...the heads of the screws protrude and would interfere with/damage the support insulators. These items have been given to Dan to have the counterbores adjusted...drawing should be changed to insure a small gap.

Also, one of the support frames has marks on its side that may be a high voltage issue.

Upon inspection of the components in question (ITA3540 & 3538) it was found that they have been made to spec and model; however the spec& model does not allow for adequate theoretical clearance given tolerances. Countersinks will be adjusted and changes documented.

"Pitting" will attempt to be lapped.


Attachment 1: TM2_Tray_20150108_09.jpg  770 kB  | Show | Hide all
Attachment 2: TM2_Tray_20150108_10.jpg  895 kB  | Show | Hide all
Attachment 3: TM2_Tray_20150108_11.jpg  1.226 MB  | Show | Hide all
Attachment 4: TM2_Tray_20150108_12.jpg  1.158 MB  | Show | Hide all
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