Hi Remote Handling,
The guage on the IMC circuit in the Target Hall is reading atmosphere, and the bellows is currently relaxed (i.e. expanded), whereas it should be reading about -20inHg and the bellows should be contracted (i.e. compressed).
I've attached a photo of what the guage and fittings should look like when pumped down to -30inHg.
Either the IMC circuit has been vented, disturbed, or it has some kind of leak. When I was in the Target Hall this morning, I saw the gauge bent around the railing at an awkward angle with a pretty severe bend in the copper line, it appeared to have been disturbed by the temporary glove box sitting at that level used by Rob Walker for nuclear ventilation work.
I will co-ordinate pump-down and leak check of the circuit, but the Conditioning Station cannot be used until this is repaired.