1) Vaccumed top and around clamp. Disconnected clamp from flanges and removed from beam line. Currently bagged and stored in metal pail next to target pit area. Clamp is 500 µSv @ 1/2 m.
2) Removed 2A3 window from beam line. Pried apart joint from top of target station using pole tool. Window is 95 mSv o.c. 5000 µSv @ 1/2 m. Currently stored in a metal shield & covered with lead blanket infront of spent target vault.
3) Did preliminary clean of tank side flange with cotton glove. See videos in RH group folder. A mark still remains on flange.
4) Installed dust cover over tank flange.
5) Removed old leaking beam tube + support from wall penetration. Currently stored in 2A tunnel, both pieces are bagged. 500 µSv @1/2m, 12000 µSv o.c. Took 2 vials/samples of the deposits inside the plastic piping surrounding the beam tube supports. Material appears to be crystalline and moist.