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Message ID: 578     Entry time: Thursday, December 12, 2013, 11:14
Author: Bevan Moss 
Category: Conditioning Station 
Type: Standard Operation 
Module: TM2 
Subject: HV Chase Electrical Test 

While under vacuum Travis and I completed diagnostics of the HV chase. Majority of the lines showed OL at 1kV but there were the following "failures"

A to P @ 250V 716kOhm
A to Q @ 1kV 25.18MOhm
B to C with ohm meter 8Mohm @250V 830kOhm
B to D @ 1kV 15.57MOhm
C to D @1kV 16.18 MOhm
P to Q @1kV 1.069 GOhm
G to J with ohm meter dead short.

Ideally all of these values would be OL and they may improve or get worse when the source tray is installed depending on where the electrical contact is. I need to discuss with Friedhelm but I believe that as these values the module can still operate. Without changing the HV chase there is very little chance of improving these values.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455