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Message ID: 489     Entry time: Friday, October 04, 2013, 19:05
Author: Grant Minor 
Category: Conditioning Station 
Type: Standard Operation 
Module: TM3 
Target/Number: NiO#2 
Subject: HP Conditioning - e-mail notes from Oct 2nd to Oct 4th 

I have compiled the e-mail comments from people involved in High-Power Conditioning of TM3 w/ the new Rev 3 source tray and NiO#2 since Bevan Moss' last log on October 2nd below:

On October 2nd at 6:35pm Friedhelm Ames wrote:
TM3 heaters have been tested already yesterday in the conditioning station. Current and voltage readings were in the normal operating range.
The heaters were kept on over the night and no changes except a slow improvement in the vacuum has been seen. Today the high voltage was started. A high bias current of up to 150 micro Amps at 10 kV and an oscillation of the current with a frequency of about 3/minutes has been seen. Going higher in voltage resulted in an erratic behavior. After a visual inspection in the target hall some water leakage on top of the module was detected. it could be traced to 2 of the water connectors. They have been replaced. After this the high voltage current was down to normal values and the oscillation disappeared. With the heaters off the voltage could be raised to 22 kV, after which sparking occurred.
Earlier with the heaters on the functioning of the source has been tested. Extracted beam could be seen on the Faraday cup and the dependance on both the anode voltage and the coils could be verified.
One of the steerer plates (bottom) appears to have a short. As there is some redundancy in the steering elements in the target station optics, I don't believe this will effect the beam delivery very much.
A full test of all the source systems is planned for tomorrow including a careful attempt to rise the high voltage to a higher value. For the acceleration of 10C we will need 20.4 kV.

On October 3rd at 9:32am Bevan Moss wrote:

FYI Module is holding 24kV with zero sparks as of yet  I will continue with updates as I go

On October 3rd at 10:18am Bevan Moss wrote:

Sparking started at ~28kV I have had to dial it back to 22kV to hold stable voltage. I will continue with updates.

On October 3rd at 11:17am Bevan Moss wrote:

Sparking has forced the voltage down to 20kV. Friedhelm has asked me to turn everything on and start ramping the heaters.

On October 3rd at 4:15pm Bevan Moss wrote:

The heaters have been brought online and the Bias raised to 25kV. It has been sitting there for the last 10 minutes with 1 spark during this time. All other PS are on and beam is being extracted.

On October 3rd at 4:37pm Bevan Moss wrote:

Sparking has just occurred and the Vacuum is now getting worse significantly faster. Voltage was lowered to 21KV where it has been stable for the last 5 minutes. I am going to turn off the HV leave the module overnight with the heaters on. Hopefully we will have good Vacuum again in the morning.

On October 4th at 2:20pm Bevan Moss wrote:

I have finished completing another complete leak test on the module and it is leak tight. Once the heaters were turned off the vacuum did improve it is currently sitting at 9.3 x 10^-7 Torr in the service cap, 5.71 x 10^-6 Torr in the diagnostics box and 4.0 x 10^-6 in in the secondary.  I have raise the bias voltage and it can hold 20kV for 5 minutes but did have 1 spark. At 22.5kV it appears to be doing some conditioning as the current is unstable. I would not recommend moving TM3 to ITE on Monday until we can establish that the module can hold 25kV for at least 1 hour preferably with the heaters on. I have left the turbo pumps running in case there is more testing you would like to do. If you choose to move to ITE on Monday please have someone stop the turbo pumps otherwise I must wait an hour before venting on Monday. The TCS laptop on my desk should not have the screen saver come on so TCS can be operated through it.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455