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Message ID: 485     Entry time: Wednesday, October 02, 2013, 09:40
Author: Bevan Moss 
Category: Conditioning Station 
Type: Standard Operation 
Module: TM3 
Target/Number: NiO#2 
Subject: HP conditioning 

Yesterday the TBHT was ramped to 250 amp and the TGHT was ramped to 440 amps. Attached is the data from that run the strip tool that had this screen shot crashed but it can be recreated with the data. The TBHT ps was not reading back accurate results as such there are large steps in current or voltage or some instability for no apparent reason. In addition to this the ramping program is still not working so the ramping was a very manual process. The strip tool was left running over night, I have attached a screen shot of the the run. You will notice there are changes in vacuum that corresponds to changes in the TGHT and the TBHT voltage. Anders and myself used the archiver to plot the data with TS6 (TS3 would be better and I will have it added to the achiver), the changes in voltage and vacuum match perfectly with the compressor coming on and off. This should be investigated and possibly the temperature range of the cycling of the compressor reduced.

Attachment 1: 01102013_TM3_NiO2_TGHT_and_TBHT_ramp_up_eod.txt  3.715 MB  | Show | Hide all
Attachment 2: 02102013_TM3_NiO#2_HP_testing_overnight_run.JPG  150 kB  | Show | Hide all
Attachment 3: 02102013_TM3_NiO#2_HP_testing_overnight_run_archiver.JPG  149 kB  | Show | Hide all
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