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Message ID: 2765     Entry time: Wednesday, February 05, 2025, 13:46
Author: Alexander Shkuratoff 
Category: ITE 
Type: Standard Operation 
Subject: ITE HV bias test without module (Work permit I2025-02-03-2)  

Wednesday, February 05, 2025, 12:20

  • Ed has the voltage already up to 1000 V. Starting further ramp up in 250 V increments.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025, 12:45

  • Current was quite stable with basically no noise, and increasing with voltage until 57.5 kV, when the current spiked from 180 uA to a peak of 308 uA and the voltage dropped a little bit for a single data point. Kept it here for a few second and then dropped it back down a couple steps. Currently at 57 kV and the average current is about the same as before (181 uA), but the noise is significantly higher (+/- 10 uA).
  • Been at 57 kV for about 5 minutes and no change in the noise. Will try continuing ramp.
  • 57.25 kV: Current is ~193 uA with +/- 20 uA noise.
  • Gonna go with 250 V step every 5 minutes from here on until 60 kV.
Voltage (kV) Current (uA)
Noise (uA) V drops in 5 mins Current of spikes (uA)
57.00 181 10 0 -


193 20 0 -
57.50 206 25 1 294
57.75 216 15 0 -


225 10 4 876, 993, 873, 995


    30+ too many to count

Wednesday, February 05, 2025, 13:17

  • Seemed like it was having some trouble at 58 kV, and then at 58.25 kV it was fine for about a minute and just starting sparking constantly, and would not calm down after a minute. Some sparks caused a positive voltage swing up to 65 kV, and with currents as high as ~4000 uA.
  • Ramped voltage down in steps back to 56.75 kV. It's still getting about 10-11 sparks per 5 minutes.
  • Trying 56.5 kV. 8 sparks in 5 minutes, one positive.
  • Trying 56.25 kV. 3 very small voltage drops in 5 minutes.
  • Trying 56 kV. No voltage drops in 5 minutes. Current is on average ~204 uA, with +/- 20 uA of noise.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025, 15:02

  • 1.5 hours at 56 kV. 2 small sparks over this time. Current was about 195 uA on average with about +/- 20 uA of noise. A spark will usually result in a change of the average current following the spark until the next.
  • Ramping down voltage now. The amount of noise decreases quickly with voltage and is basically gone at 53 kV.
  • Power supply off.
  • Dumped data to https://isacwserv.triumf.ca/onlylocal/isacdata/ITE_HV_test_shutdown2025.txt

Conclusion: ITE seems good up to 56 kV.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455