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Message ID: 2764     Entry time: Tuesday, February 04, 2025, 11:50
Author: Alexander Shkuratoff 
Category: ITW 
Type: Standard Operation 
Subject: ITW HV bias test without module (Work permit I2025-02-03-2) 

Tuesday, February 04, 2025, 10:15

  • Started voltage ramp up. Using 250 V increments.

 Tuesday, February 04, 2025, 12:07

  • Current has got a bit noisy, starting at around 56.5 kV.
  • Currently at 57 kV. Voltage is stable though.
    • Current is about 151 uA on average, with spikes up to 164 uA.
  • Held at 57 kV for about 5 minutes, no drops in voltage, so continuing ramp.
  • 57.25 kV
    • There is noise in the current each time the voltage is increased. It seems to calm down slowly, with the later noise/spikes being less frequent and lower magnitude.
    • Average current is about 151 uA. Spikes at the start were as high as 169 uA, and after about 8 minutes they are about 160 uA.
    • Held here for about 10 minutes before continuing ramp.
  • I will try to get to 58 kV, and then back down to 57 kV to see if the current calms down and there is some sort of conditioning effect. If there is, I'm not sure of the mechanism since nothing is in vacuum.

Tuesday, February 04, 2025, 12:51

  • Dropping down to 57 kV, the current was about 150 uA and there were no more noise spikes. Seems like conditioning. Going back to 58 kV and continuing ramp.

Tuesday, February 04, 2025, 13:09

  • At 60 kV. Average current is about 187 uA initially, which could just be the average of the noise. It looks like it's dropping a few minutes later. About 10 minutes later, the current is 184 uA. 181 uA after 20 minutes.
  • It's been stable for about 30 minutes now. No voltage fluctuations, noise in the current has been the same or decreasing.
  • Current is about 177 uA after 80 minutes.

Tuesday, February 04, 2025, 14:36

  • It's been 1.5 hours and the voltage has been stable the whole time. All is good. Ramping down.

Tuesday, February 04, 2025, 14:50

  • Power supply off
  • Data dumped to http://isacwserv.triumf.ca/onlylocal/isacdata/ITW_HV_test_shutdown2025.txt


ELOG V2.9.2-2455