Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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Message ID: 2682     Entry time: Monday, September 16, 2024, 08:48
Author: chad fisher 
Category: Manipulator Maintenance 
Type: Maintenance 
Subject: CRL Technicain Manipulator Maitenance Trip 

Over the course of September 9th - September 13, 2024 a CRL manipulator technician carried out the following manipulator maintenance:

NHC operator side arm #9763 (right side installed position) - Inspection and re-tensioning of tong cable prior to re-installation (was a little too tight). Operational.

E-HD clean spare #8015 - repaired stuck manual 'Z' motion - removed one rouge 5-40 screw that had been dropped inside remote end during 'Z' motion cable run through in 2017, found that related 5-40 screws from the cable end clamp were not tight and therefore proud and also jamming. Complete tape replacement and tensioning. This manipulator is fully back to operational status other then needing some screw for the air restriction on the remote end.

E-HD "dirty" spare #7985 - inspection and evaluation of parts on the operator side require to return to operational status. Wrist and handle reassembled (all parts of wrist and handle accounted for) Ball and socket joint at and of motion lock replaced (parts were on hand already) as well as tape motion lock assembly (parts on hand already). This arm may be missing a relay or two. Remote side still bagged with unrecorded issue (suspect it is only a broken tong cable) this will be put in the maintenance schedule for earl 2025.

NHC operator side "spare" arm #9351 - Damaged 'Z' motion tape replaced. Tensioning. Operational once 'Y' motion linear actuator re-installed.

Meson hall warm cell manipulators evaluated/inspected - No issue found

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ELOG V2.9.2-2455