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Message ID: 257     Entry time: Wednesday, March 13, 2013, 07:22
Author: chad fisher 
Category: South Hot-Cell 
Type: Repair 
Module: TM4 
Subject: Ground Electrode Leak / Inspection Results 

Further attempts to localize the leak were unsucessful. The circuit was pressurized with 60 psi air and snoop solution was applied to both the braze joints and the mating surface between the two halfs of the water blocks. Unfortunately, no visible bubbles could be dectected.

This was reported to Grant and Pierre and it was decided to continue with removing one of the vcr gaskets from the optics cooling lines (on the same circuit) and replacing it with a gasket with a sector cut out to allow this circuit to be pumped out and eliminate any virtual leak type response. The feedthru at the service cap will be capped.

Areas that had snoop solution on them were rinsed with methonal.

A cursory inspection of the extraction column was preformed and some pictures of the back side of the mounting plate and surrounding area were taken as there was some interesting discoloration found in the area below the back of the 9 pin connectors.

Picutres of the snoop procedure can be found at https://documents.triumf.ca/docushare/dsweb/View/Collection-9994


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