The cleanup of the ISAC Target Hall crane and installation of the new SICK laser which replaced the IBEO laser for the EW crane position was completed on Aug 03 2023.
The clean up tasks which were completed: (Removal of tape viewing camera, Removal of tape, Installation of extension cord, Consolidation of power supplies for the lasers and removal of old laser)
Currently power bar is still present to act as an extension cable. This will be removed when 2m extension cord is made and put in next target exchange cycle.
The installation and testing of new SICK Laser:
1. Calibration points were taken at the 4 corner limits of the crane. North South and East West positions were recorded.
2. Crane was parked at the ladder access position and mounting bracket was machined and installed.
3. A new cable was made and installed for the SICK laser. Continuity test was performed from the control room and crane to ensure pinout of the laser worked with existing serial communication setup in the control room PC.
4. The feedback values from the new SICK laser and old IBEO laser were compared to determine that a calibration offset of 0.06m was needed in the Laser Position Feedback program.
5. Laser Position Feedback program was re-compiled to communicate with 2x SICK lasers with the calibration offset value included in the EW feedback position. (Laser Crane PositionDlg.cpp)
6. Calibration points were taken at the 4 corner limits of the crane again with the new Laser. North South and East West positions were recorded.

There was less than 0.1% variance between the new laser and old laser which is well within the tolerance of the lasers themselves. It can be determined that it was properly calibrated.