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Message ID: 247     Entry time: Friday, February 22, 2013, 13:13
Author: Bevan Moss 
Category: Conditioning Station 
Type: Development 
Module: TM4 
Target/Number: CS Test Target #1 
Subject: Broken Turbo Pump 

 Today while putting the cover on the cord that goes to the controller was bumped. This bent the connector down and caused a vacuum leak. I tried to tighten the bolts in the hope the leak would go away but it did not and I sheared one of the bolts off. David is inquiring with Edi if the pump can be repaired or if it needs to be replaced. The good news is that the interlocks work exactly as planned. Upon detecting a leak they shut the turbos down and closed all of the valves they even beat the turbo controllers for overload.

David believes we can rotate the pump slightly to avoid this problem in the future. Hopefully repairs can start on Monday. 

The conditioning station will be shut down for the weekend.

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