ITW, ITE, ITW +ITE total , and low active cooling water return flow meter transmitters are inspected and calibrated. Result:
ITW , PX-750-06Di , Calibrated to 4-20 mA for 0 to 6" H2O DP, linear. Transmitter works fine.
ITE. PX-750-06Di, calibrated to 4- 20mA for 0 to 6" H2O DP, linear. Transmitter works fine.
ITE+ITW total, PX-750 -30 SQDI. It looks like electronic board for square root output is broken. It can not be calibrated to 4mA @ 0 inch H2O DP. The transmitter is calibrated to 10.25mA - 25.25mA for 0 to30" H2O DP, linear. Transmitter works fine.
Low active cooling water return, Px-750-30di, smart. The transmitter is broken. The output current stuck at 44.5mA on all DP. I tried zero and reset it by following instruction manual, but failed to bring it back. The electronic boards are broken mostly. The production is discontinued by Omega Engineering. A new Omega transmitter PX3005-25WDWBI (linear) will be ordered for its replacement.
2023-06-28: A new Omega transmitter PX3005-25WDWBI (linear) has been installed back to LALCW system in target hall. Transmitter is calibration by manufacturer @ 4-20mA output@0 to 25 in H2O DP. Control group will finish the cable connection in TH, electrical room, and reprogram on epic page on July -11th.
2023-07-12: Cable connection, formula reprogram, and epic page reboot are done yesterday by Ray.M. New transmitter works fine. All flow rates are displayed on epic page properly with new program formulas. |