On June 2 2022, while attempting to install target SiC#42 a gasket fell off the water line. I attempted to remove the target to have the gasket reattached, however the multi pin connector guide pin was loose and was preventing the target from being removed. During the attempt to remove the target it was noticed that an electrical cable in the back of the module had become loose and was dangling. The target was then secured to the module, and then the module was moved to the SHC to complete the job/repairs.
June 3 2022, containment box was removed, Einzle Lens cable reattached and tested, and the multi pin guide pin was retightened.
On June 6 2022, the containment box was damaged while lifting the containment box back onto the module.
The left rear corner of the box caught on the module and the corner weld snapped and folded the corner down about 90 degrees.
With help from Chad, we were able to restraighten the corner with a C-clamp, enabling the box to be reattached to the module.
However the 2 bolts that were on the corner that attach to the module were not able to be aligned and were not used.
The target was reattached to the module, and to save time was brought directly to ITW, skipping the conditioning station. |