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Message ID: 2250     Entry time: Thursday, September 23, 2021, 19:04
Author: Adam Newsome 
Category: Spent Target Vault 
Type: Development 
Subject: Mini-Storage: Remote Capability 

Remote capability was added for the mini-storage door control. The control signals originate from the Opto 22 Module box that is used for the SMP remote control (this is located just above the storage vault).
The controls signal assignment document has been updated and can be found in C:\PDM Vault\PDM_Vault\_models\isac\isac1\wpn-3919 - safe module parking\Electrical

In order to operate remotely:
- Plug the mini-storage control box power cable into a wall outlet (adjacent main storage vault, under stairs)
- Plug the motor output cable into the mini-storage door motor
- Unplug the local pendant from the box
- Plug the cable that comes from the remote module box into the connector that the pendant was plugged into (M12, 5 pole Murr connector)
- Using the remote control program from the ISAC RH control room, click on the Mini-Storage option and then click buttons for open and close to operate the door (note: it is important to verify both opening and closing functions work before attempting any remote operation).

Remote and local functionality have been tested and verified working.

It is recommended to mount the mini-storage control box in a convenient area near the mini-storage (possibly on the wall adjacent the main storage vault).

Please contact me if you have any further questions.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455