An annual electrical and mechanical inspection was performed on the SMP today by Adam Newsome, Dan McDonald, and Jason Zhang as per Work Permit I2021-07-07-3. The following items were checked:
- Check condition of wiring for physical/radiation/UV damage
- OK, no signs of significant damage
- Check for cable tray debris or damage
- There were multiple shards of plastic in the cable tray - they were removed and disposed of
- Check inside control panel: components and wiring, labeling
- Labeling intact, components in good condition
- One COM wire for the relay array was loose - it was tightened
- Verify camera views
- This was not inspected but has recently been checked, and is checked prior to remote operation
- Check connectors for damage
- Check pendant for damage and verify labeling intact
- Lid open/close test
- Lid was opened and close multiple times - smooth operation, no concern
- Lid close logic was checked - OK
- Vessel rotation and limit switch check
- Both CW and CCW limits were checked, functioning
- No concern on rotation - chain drive, rotary limit switch, and cable reel all functioning normally
- Lubricate chains
- Inspect tensioners
- Tighten fasteners
- Done - OK
- Note: some concern over socket head screws in slotted parts - they should have washers. Not a critical issue but worth checking into.
- Visual inspection
Overall the inspection was successful. |