USB was discovered to be in the reverse direction and will need to be change around to become operational
USB was pulled from conduit
While attempting to re-pull the USB in the correction direction, the ethernet cable was damaged and need to be replaced,
(thanks to the Hubert's team for the wire help)
It was decided that it was too problematic to re-pull the wires with all other wires in the way. Therefore all the wires were removed from the operator control panel, and pulled so that the USB, USB power cord, and ethernet could be re-pulled all together.
However, even once all the wires were re-pulled and reconnected it was discovered that the USB had become damaged, and was removed again.
- A new conduit was added through to the NHC, for only the USB
- USB was fed through, reconnected, and tested
- Putty will need to be added around the conduit to ensure a good seal into NHC |