UCx #2 has been installed onto TM1.
Installation went well except the left leg got bent slightly sometime between testing on the jig and installation onto the module (probably during removal for the argon filled bag). Leg was gentle offered into place and its clearance with the heat shield double checked with both a mirror and goose neck camera. Leg was close to ther heat shield but appeared to have clearance. Anders and John Wong viewed this and deemed it ok. Video images of this clearance were recorded.
Leak checking was also completed successfully:
Base pressure on the leak detector was a constant 0.0 x 10-4, Stable leak rate was an unwavering 0.0 x 10-9.
Both heat sheild circuits were checked twice (starting with the highest gland) and sprayed with a 2 second burst of helium into the test hole in the nut. No reponses were seen after 1 minute an any of the circuits.
Bevan Moss and David Wang performed an electrical check which they relayed to me that the module with target installed had passed.