TM4 optics tray was installed onto the old TM2 source tray yesterday and tray filled with non-active metal scrap. Tray inserted into transfer frame 95% yesterday. During insertion the ball nut of the transfer jig became unfastened from its drive plate. This will have to be fixed before the jig can be used reliably again however we were able to finish the job...the transfer jig is 20 years old now so it is not entirely suprising that it needs some attention.
Today the Tm2 tray final install into the transport tray occurred by driving the tray drive screw and bringing the tray into the transfer frame the last inch 1/2 or so. "Feet" (ITA2380) had to be removed from sliding tray assembly to fit in the box however upon attempting this is was immediately clear that one of the screws was stuck and must have been cross threaded during assembly. As as result the entire drive bracket (ITA2375) had to be removed form the source tray to allow final insertion into the box.
11 handles from spent target transfers, 1 plastic bin box, Ta LP test target TRI coil, 1 aluminum box, sockets and extensions from spent target transfers and 5 obsolete legs from previous source tray replacements were amoung the items disposed of with the spent source tray. |