The two 45 gal (m) drums of waste removed from the south hot cell in December 2015 and January 2016 were transferred from the north hot cell to the shaft of the east vault tunnel on Monday, July 25th 2016 and subsequently to the east tunnel bunker in the vault tunnel on Tuesday, July 26th, 2016.The first drum (removed from the hot cell in December) containing both activated and contaminated metals was measured at 900 uSv/hr @ .5 m and the second drum (removed from the hot cell in January 2016) containing compressible items such as tank suits and plastic was measured at 150 uSv/hr @ .5 m.
Items were filed for storage/disposal with RPG under item number 1395 on the radioactive storage form.
Drums were transported to the vault tunnel using the 500 Mev Shield Flask (Drawing E-7097) with some minor modifications, namely a 1/4" thick Aluminum plate with four holes that line up with the holes in the bottom flange of the flask. This plate provided a bottom for the flask so that a drum could be contained within the flask during craning. Holes in the plate where countersunk for a 1/2" flat head bolt. Four bolts were also modified to accept 3/16 hair pins. 3 plates with clearances holes for the bolts were also manufactured to act as washers.
Procedure was as follows: With plate, washers and pins installed onto the flask, a modified drum dolly (5" spacers added to the casters) was placed inside the flask. Drum was craned into the flask using the automatic drum lifter. Flask with drum loaded was moved to the Meson Hall loading bay then craned to the B2 level of the Meson hall. Hair pins were pulled from the flask and the flask was then craned up leaving the drum (which was on the dolly firstly installed into the flask) and the plate. Drum on dolly was rolled to vault access shaft where it was craned off the modified dolly using the automatic drum lifter and down the access shaft to the vault tunnel level. A second drum dolly was waiting at the bottom level and drum lowered onto it. Procedure was repeated for the second drum
Was vault was open , drums were wheeled into the vault tunnel and into a bunker that had been modified to accept these drums. Drums were lifted off dollies and put in place in bunker which had blocks installed to cover the entrance provided for installation.
Pictures can be found on docushare (collection 18072)