Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-Cyclotron  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 49     Entry time: Tuesday, January 27, 2015, 11:39
Author: Grant Minor 
Category: Elevation Jack 
Type: Standard Operation 
Subject: Lid-Up Report 26 Jan 2015 

Lid-up started approximately 10am Monday 26 Jan 2015.

The first attempt to raise the lid was halted at a mechanical counter reading of approximately 1050 because a large discrepancy was observed in the mechanical counter reading at Station 11.  One jog at station 9 was employed leading up to the halt:


Station 9 Jog:

8              732

9              652/735               

10           739



1              1048

2              1052

3              1025

4              1053

5              1026

6              1055

7              1038

8              1042

9              987

10           1051

11           2968

12           1052


All jacks were lowered back to the starting position, and the mechanical counter was replaced at station 11.  The new counter was set to the balance between adjacent stations 10 and 12.

All stations were jogged manually to index the yoke gap at ¼” with shims and the counters were recorded.  It was discovered that station 11 was out by about 30 counts.   Dan Louie wanted to check the discrepancy with the control system so we lowered manually back to start position “A”. 

After Dan’s OK we jogged manually up again to ¼” yoke gap and noticed the same ~30 count discrepancy with station 11.  It was determined that both the counter and the syncro at station 11 were out by about 30 counts with respect to the master.   Maico and Dan de-coupled the syncro and counter box from the output shaft of the jack, and adjusted both the syncro and the counter together until the count on the counter and the control system was adjusted about 30 counts back into the range of the other jacks.


New start “A”:                   ¼” shim - #1       ¼” shim #2

1              44                           115                         116

2              58                           145                         143        

3              44                           137                         133

4              55                           146                         144

5              46                           133                         133

6              47                           127                         124

7              47                           129                         125

8              49                           105                         110

9              62                           129                         126

10           54                           124                         124

11           55*                         162                         157 to 130**

12           55                           116                         114


* 55 set value after counter replacement

** both syncro and mech counter decoupled from jack worm gear shaft and adjusted to 130


The lid-up procedure then started again.  Two jogs of station 9 were required as recorded below, then the system travel from that point forward was smooth.

Station                  Value    Jog #1                   Value    Jog #2

8                              1439                                       3499

9                              1426       1446                       3476       3506

10                           1448                                       3506


The lid up sequence was stopped at 3pm half way through at around 19,000 counts because it was noticed that the new fall protection platform at station 8 would potentially interfere with an overhang in the ceiling for the vault lights. This interference occurs only at that particular station, and the station directly opposite 8.

The interference was measured by Dan McDonald and confirmed (see attached photos).

The platform was removed and lid-up started again at 4pm and was completed by about 4:23 pm.


Final Counts:

1              47393

2              47404

3              47391

4              47404

5              47403

6              47387

7              47401

8              47379

9              47397

10           47403

11           47397

12           47401


Attachment 1: Station_8_Interference_Measurment_26Jan2015.JPG  1.989 MB  | Show | Show all
Attachment 2: Station_8_Lid_Up_without_platform_26Jan2015.JPG  2.043 MB  | Show | Show all
ELOG V2.9.2-2455