Today Remote Handling staff (Maico Dalla Valle, Travis Cave) used the Remote Handling 2C probe removal trolley to remove the probe assembly from inside the Cyclotron. This is a regular yearly MRO task that is done every shutdown.
This task involves lining up the 2C trolley on the service bridge with the 2C probe assembly remotely with cameras, using a set of alignment markings on the trolley and probe assembly. Once the trolley is lined up with the probe assembly, a set of solenoids are fired to disengage a corresponding set of four QDLs (quick disconnect latches) at different locations on the probe assembly. A complete procedure is documented by Remote Handling staff.
The four QDLs are actuated by a set of four solenoid actuators on the 2C removal trolley, numbered 3, 4, 5, and 8.
Traditionally in the past, the QDL actuated by solenoid 8 has jammed and does not automatically disengage when hit with the solenoid actuator. A member of Probes or Remote Handling has had to suit up with a respirator, run into the Cyclotron tank, and tap this QDL by hand to free it from it's jammed state. This has been done every year for quite some time, as long as Don Jackson can remember (around 30 years)!
However, today, Remote Handling staff (Travis and Maico) were able to disengage all four QDLs remotely using the solenoid actuators on the trolley!
A few things were done differently this year compared to previous years, which may have contributed to this success:
a. The centre post bearing on the service bridge was disassembled, cleaned, and lubricated (see previous e-log from this shutdown)
b. The "AXIAL A" alignment tab on the 2C removal trolley was intentionally misaligned with the felt pen markings on the 2C assembly (see attached picture that points out this "gap").
c. The solenoids were fired in the following order: 8 (no success on disengagement), 5 (success), 4 (success), 3 (success), then 8 again (success).
After all four QDLs were disengaged, and the probe assembly was lowered away from its fixture points, it was observed that the assembly moved slightly laterally, indicating a slight stress or misalignment between all four QDL pins and their corresponding receptacles in the Cyclotron tank. The "gap" labelled in the attached picture, shrunk a small amount after this lateral movement.
Don Jackson remarked that in his entire tenure here, he had never witnessed successful remote disengagement of all four QDLs! This is quite a positive result, as it lowers the expected dose and time required to remove the 2C probe assembly. This approach to the task should be repeated next year and video documented (unfortunately we were not video recording the successful attempt this year).
Grant Minor, Remote Handling