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Message ID: 162     Entry time: Tuesday, January 23, 2024, 14:03
Author: Adam Newsome 
Category: Elevation Jack 
Type: Maintenance 
Subject: Inspection of elevating system motor contacts 

Motor contactors for the cyclotron elevating system jacks were inspected on 2025-01-23 by Joel Semilla under work permit C2024-01-19-1. Joel's assessment is as follows:

"All the twelve magnetic contactors have the same contact tips condition. Last year, I have [sic] to take out the contacts from the housing due to severe "pitting" of the contact's silver surface due to excessive "flash-over" which is common to magnetic contactor on inching/jogging duty. Due to the better condition of the contact tips this year, I can re-surface the contact tips on the magnetic housing itself."

Prior to recent inspections, a recurring inspection at an informed frequency had not been set. It is suggested based on the state of the contactors now, in comparison with the previous inspection, to schedule inspections of these contactors every 4 years. Next inspection due: Jan. 2028.


Edit: on 2024-01-24, Joel Semilla updates: "re-surfacing of stationary and movable contacts for the 12 cyclotron elevating motors have been completed".


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