Setup of the HE 1 probe is difficult has we have no mockup of it to properly setup cameras and equipment for it. This is problem for both extraction and installation of the probe. Also with the setup some of the broken micro switch from the HE 1 was found on the HE 1 probe jig after the jig was deconned and moved up the B2 level. Also for setup required camera adjustment to be made with the heavy contaminated probe being very close to the person setting up the cameras.
Now installation of the probe worked but it was very fiddly and touchy feely on the install, which something one doesn't want for remote installation. It required lots of movements and adjustment and a little luck and the probe went in, even with a air cylinder that did decide to work in the end.
On the extraction of HE 1 was mess and was damaged upon extraction, this was due to improper camera setup (no mock up of probe), and to the fact that removal is very fiddly and not east to the current design of the jig, and the way the probe is locked in place on the lid.
Note on contamination on extraction the probe jig was contaminated with about 20 000 cpm in spots it was removable and the jig cleaned. Contamination was also found on the jig for the installation of the jig it was about 800 cpm jig was cleaned again. Plastic was also laid on the platform of the upper ressonator trolley as to prevent the spread of contamination to the trolley, this appeared to work. AS A NOTE NONE OF REMOTE HANDLING'S TROLLEYS AND CYCLOTRON EQUIPMENT WAS DESIGNED TO HANDLE CONTAMINATION. If the trolley ever get or contamination is ever found on them they will be impossible to clean. |