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Message ID: 116     Entry time: Monday, February 03, 2020, 11:06
Author: Adam Newsome 
Category: Cyclotron 
Type: Development 
Subject: Porthole Cover Handling Tool - Initial Test Report 
The suction-cup based porthole cover handling tool (TRH1366) was tested for the first time inside the cyclotron as part of the regular porthole cover moving task (Jan. 29, 2020). The tool was operated by Adam Newsome and Travis Cave.

All functionality worked as expected (compliance, sensors, suction, blowoff). Camera views were sufficient. No changes were suggested by any of the operators or spectators. The tool will be used again when removing porthole covers towards the end of 2020 shutdown.

Overall, this test was deemed a success, and the tool a suitable replacement for the existing system.
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