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Message ID: 59     Entry time: Thursday, March 16, 2023, 14:41
Author: Adam Newsome 
Category: T-Hall Crane 
Type: Development 
Subject: ARIEL Target Hall Crane - Spare Pendant Procured, Tested 

A spare pendant for the overhead crane was procured from COH. The pendant's functionality is the same as the original one's. The pendant was tested today by Adam Newsome - all functions behave as expected.

Important - to change to the spare pendant in the case of failure of the original one, insert a battery into it, and transfer over the small black transmitter card shown in the attached picture. The pendant will not pair with the receiver without this card. There is nothing else that needs to be set up for it to work.

The spare pendant is kept in a labeled box on top of the electrical cabinets located in the crane control room (L1 floor).

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