When the EHDT shielding service stand shield plug was installed in January it was found that the Beam Dump Outlet Hose (TEL5079) was interfering with the plug. The following remedial action was taken:
- Upper lead water blocks disconnected and upper lead shield removed w/ hose assemblies and upper half of water blocks attached
- BD hose assembly TEL5079 removed by disconnecting Swagelok fittings
- A 1-1/8" spacer was added between the ceramic break and the 45 degree elbow
- The finished assembly was helium leak checked: no leaks
- Final dimensions of the hose assembly were recorded for drawing updates (Isaac's notebook)
- All water blocks were disconnected (previous install used gaskets only w/o retainers so that a leak check could be performed)
- New gaskets manufacutred by Dan McDonald on Feb 2 (TEL4263)
- Gaskets cleaned w/ acetone and put into retainers (nice fit)
- Sealing surfaces on lower and upper half of BD water blocks cleaned with acetone, gaskets, installed, and torqued to 60ft*lbs w/ torque wrench and crows foot wrench
- TEL5079 reinstalled. Swagelok nuts tightened to same rotational position as initial install
- Upper lead shield reinstalled (Feb 3)
- Upper lead water block sealing surfaces cleaned, blocks installed and torrqued to 60ft*lbs as w/ BD blocks
Before installation of upper lead water blocks I attempted to move, install, and uninstall the upper half of the water blocks using a 4' pole tool. The blocks were fairly hard to manipulate due to the stiffness of the 1" hose. The original design was to use a 1/2" hose, but we switched to 1" hose during a very rushed part of the project because of shorter lead times for 1" hoses.
As there is currently no beam planned for the next 4-6 weeks I will investigate replacing the upper lead shield and beam dump flex hoses with smaller diameter more flexible hoses.