The Ar glove box issues ( ) have been fixed.
Quoted from work permit: I2019-03-19-4
RPG checked the old SS lines. They were clear of contamination although still contained TCE. The TCE was cleaned out & removed.
The Ar glove box is connected properly to the nuclear ventilation as well as having the added filter / catch. The SS lines were replaced & valves cleaned. A large clog was found in the vent line and has been removed. Will now be able to test the regeneration function of the glove box.
-A regeneration should be performed monitored to test the lines for the glove box to be officially fixed.
The blockage was found on the exit of the Ar Glove Box. The blockage was held within a Swagelok check valve (P/N - B4CP2-1/3 - It may have been installed intentionally, it may have been assumed to be a 1/4" brass pipe nipple. At any rate it was completely plugged and
did not allow for proper venting of the regeneration lines. Pictures of the blocked valve are included. The regeneration function is ready to be tested. |