Monday, August 19, 2024, 13:06
Target container consists of 2 samples, and both samples were heat stabilized at 150 C for 24 hours then pre-oxidized at 360 C for 4 hours:
1. PVP (7% wt/v) spun fibres 0.0569 g
2. np-Ta (Dope 7) spun fibres: 0.1730 g
Samples are wrapped in graphite foil and loaded into a target boat which is wrapped with Ta foil.
Omega slope set at 0.99.
Similar heat treatment as the 1st attempt, see e-log #667 (1800 C = 402A/7.2V).
Good vac = 3 e-5 Torr
Bad vac = 5 e-5 Torr.
Chamber is currently pumping down.
Monday, August 19, 2024, 16:52
Chamber pressure @ 4.6e-6 Torr.
Initiate auto-ramping at 1A/min to reach 400A.
Continue to monitor the pressure and TGHT.
Tuesday, August 20, 2024, 09:48
TGHT reached 400 A/6.87V about 10 hr ago. But the temperature has been holding at 1665 C.
The voltage is much lower this time compared to the previous heat treatment. See attachment #1 for the overall process.
Ramping up to 450A. Continue monitoring..
Tuesday, August 20, 2024, 15:43
TGHT at 450A (readback 441A)/7.892V, temperature holding at 1803C
Pressure coming down from 1.62e-6 Torr.
Continue to hold on the temperature for a few more hours before cooling it down
Wednesday, August 21, 2024, 09:40
Temperature was holding for about 18 hours before ramping down TGHT was initiated at 2A/min.
The samples can be taken out after 2 pm.