Tuesday, June 06, 2023, 09:11
A Ta container tube was wrapped with 4 Ta heatshields. Note final container is 45220-6
272 graphite discs were loaded.
a TaC coated Ta spring at the front end.
The system was left to establish vacuum over previous night.
Good vacuum set to5e-04Torr
Bad vacuum was set to 5e-2 Torr
Total weight of system including spring= 253.94 g
OMEGA slope = 0.99
The target will be heated to ~2000 C, held there for 10 hours.
Initial ramp at 1A/min to 200A
Then ramp at 0.5A/min while taking temperature readings periodically unti l250A.
At 250 A will let pressure stabilize and then ramp at 1A/min to 2000C or 480A. Will use read back current
Will hold at target Temperature or Current for 10 hours before starting ramp-down.
Tuesday, June 06, 2023, 09:14
Starting ramt at 1A/min
initial IGP1= 8.2e-07
Tuesday, June 06, 2023, 21:25
@480 A on readback, 1823C on OMEGA. ramping to 510A set point which should be around 490 RD. (see heating profile for details)
Tuesday, June 06, 2023, 22:02
ramped to 516 on RD 527 on set. Will leave for 10 hours
OMEGA =1930 C
Wednesday, June 07, 2023, 06:32
OMEGA at 1950 C this morning. Will continue heating. Lowered to 1940 C as in experiment 1 this was the top temperature.
Wednesday, June 07, 2023, 07:40
OMEGA= 1940 C
IGP1=1.7-6 Torr
TGHT= 513A, 9.4V
starting ramp down at -2A/min |